As a youth member's journey continues an Introduction to Section welcomes them to their new Section.
Knowledge learnt through the Introduction to Section is very specific to that Section it allows for continuous growth and development as knowledge blocks build upon their foundation and understanding of the Organisation as a whole.
The Introduction to Section outlines their Achievement Pathway, expectations and the way the Section operates. As they progress through each Section their opportunity for growth, development and experience increases as the youth begin to take full ownership of their Program as a Section, and achievement as an individual. As with everything in life, the more a youth member immerses themselves in everything the Scout Organisation has to offer, the more they will grow, develop and benefit from the experience.
In general the Introduction to Scouting discussion should include topics such as ......
When a Scout progresses to the next Section along their Scouting Journey, they will have a discussion covering the basics of how the program, traditions, ceremonies and procedures work within that individual Section. During these Patrol Leader lead discussions the new member to the Section is allocated a youth mentor to help them settle in and transition into that Section.
In general the discussion should include:-
- How the Section operates
- What the Program looks like in that Section ... including
- How the Patrol System works in that Section
- The types of adventures & interests that might be experienced and explored
- How achievements are recorded and recognised
- The symbolic framework and what it means
- The Australian Scout Promise & Law, including how it is explored in that Section
- The Unit Code

During the discussions there will be a focus on the youth member as an individual. The youth member will be given the opportunity to set long-term & short-term goals which will help shape their involvement within that Section. Some of the thoughts they consider might include:-
- Their interests
- What skills & experience they already have
- What goals they have for their time in the Unit