1st Ballan Cubs

Your Welcome to join us
Immersed in Nature
Bike Riding Fun
Cub Section Motto Create the Path

Our Cub Leaders


1st Ballan Cub Leader

1st Ballan Assistant Cub Leader

Mud Crab

1st Ballan Assistant Cub Leader

Cubs love gooey stuff.  The gooier the better.  So, when it came to slime night the Cubs loved it and thoroughly enjoyed getting their hands dirty and creating their own slime.

It was a sticky affair with the cubs having to mix the ingredients in the right way to create the perfect consistency that would result on a big blog of icky, sticky, gooey slime.  While it took some patience and practice everyone supported each other to ensure a gooey success with plenty of slime created throughout the evening.

As more and more slime was created, the Cubs became inventive with their colours as they mixed lots of them to create their own shades of everything!!!

Great fund had by all.

Buzzing with energy
A different perspective
Look beyond your horizon
Enjoying the view