1st Ballan Cubs

Your Welcome to join us
Immersed in Nature
Bike Riding Fun
Cub Section Motto Create the Path

Our Cub Leaders


1st Ballan Cub Leader

1st Ballan Assistant Cub Leader

Mud Crab

1st Ballan Assistant Cub Leader

Inviting our Joey Unit the Cubs & Joeys excitedly arrived at Treetops Scout Camp ready to implement their camping and bushcraft skills while also having a lot of fun together.

It was a great weekend with all the Cubs helping Joeys and all the Joeys helping Cubs as well as all the youth helping the leaders. However, the highlights of the camp included:-

The Obstacle Course
Mini Flying Fox
Bush Golf

Through this experience all the youth further extended their camping and bushcraft skills along with their friendships, resulting in lots of laughter, fun and learning.

Obstacle Course Fun

Just Hangin' Around

Flying Fox Fun

Our Treetops Camp

Bush Golf

Treetops Camp
Buzzing with energy
A different perspective
Look beyond your horizon
Enjoying the view