Supporting the Ballan RSL is always an honour and whenever we get the opportunity, we always say yes. Arriving at the Ballan Cenotaph our youth were keen to help and organised themselves into flag bearers and wreath layers. However, this year was a little different. With Remembrance Day Services being implemented simultaneously around the Country our youth were asked to lay a wreath on behalf of our local Federal Member of Parliament, the Member for Hawke while he attended the service in Bacchus Marsh.
It was an appropriate commemorative service with a blend of youth, protocol and new additions to the Service. It was wonderful to see the community come together surround the Cenotaph, pay their respects and remember members of our local community, past and present service men & women and battles throughout history. Then when it came to laying the wreaths, once again our youth represented themselves proudly as they respectfully laid the wreaths at the Cenotaph.
Lest We Forget.

Laying a Wreath for the Federal Member for Hawke

Laying a Wreath for our 1st Ballan Scout Group