1st Ballan Scouts

Your welcome to join us
Scouting Success
Ready to Go
Scout Section Motto Explore the Unknown

Our Scout Leaders

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1st Ballan Scout Leader

1st Ballan Assistant Scout Leader


1st Ballan Assistant Scout Leader

1st Ballan Assistant Scout Leader


1st Ballan Assistant Scout Leader

Adventurous Journeys are not the starting point for youth when it comes to learning the fundamentals of an outdoor pursuit.  It requires knowledge, skill acquisition, failures, successes, experience and motivation through youth lead sharing and programming to move into extended multi-day adventurous journeys.

With the beautiful Ingliston Gorge just down the road our Scouts challenged themselves to get out there and explore the Gorge during one of their evening programs.  It was a great success with plenty of Scouts coming out for a night of walking, skill development, achievement and fun.

Throughout the walk the Scouts enjoyed the views and supported each other through the challenging sections of the walk as they found themselves deep in the Gorge only to realise that when it come to bushwalking, what goes down ... must go UP!!!

Scouting Fun