Waking up to a world covered in frost and ice, the Scouts knew they were in for a great day of rockclimbing and when they arrived at the Cathedral Ranges, they were not disappointed. The sky was crystal clear, the wind was non-existent and the climbing location known as Fly Paper Wall was perfect.
Once harnessed and helmeted the Scouts walked to the climb site and then spent a very enjoyable day together as they moved between the six climbing ropes, challenging themselves to achieve their best while extending their comfort zones. Throughout the day the Scouts worked in teams of threes to belay, back-up belay and climb. It was wonderful to see the Scouts work together while constantly encouraging everyone on the wall to do their best.
For some it was easy, while for others it was a bit more challenging, but at different points and on different climbs each Scout had to stop, ponder and discover the best route before moving onwards and upwards. A perfect day of rockclimbing enjoyed by all thanks to the Scout Climbing Team.