Whether it's Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers or Adults Investitures, are an important step in any Scouting Journey and at our Venturer Unit our Venturers choose the location of their investitures.
On a perfectly clear but cool evening with the sun setting in the background at the Ballan Oval, three Venturers were invested and welcomed into the Unit. It was a wonderful setting for an investiture and with the cool evening wind holding the flag to the football net at the back of the goal posts, the Venturers re-confirmed their Scout Promise & Law and prepared themselves for the next stage of their Scouting Journey.
With an option to be invested 7½m off the ground the temptation was too great with an overwhelming ... "Yes please." Standing on top of the tower, the Venturers held parade. With parade finished, the investiture began with one Venturer using Auslan to sign the Scout Promise & Law throughout the elevated investiture. Once invested there was only one thing to do ... throw the new Venturer off the tower to celebrate.
Sunset Investitures


Summit Investitures

Welcome to our 1st Ballan Venturer Unit