Actually doing the hike, and with five 14-year-olds it's amazing, I've never met a 14-year-old who has done it.
Meeting new people and staying with them for the whole hike and learning from them and talking to other hikers who understand it .. my friends who don’t hike don’t get it. Talking to other people in the same situation was cool.
Amazing weather on most of the days could have been worst.
The views. I feel like when we hike in Victoria we see gorgeous scenes but they are similar, where here it is very different and we saw snow. The hiking community rocked and supported each other, within our group we shared and helped each other but with all the other hikers it was amazing to share experiences, conversations, food, support, advice and we were in a world were people openly help each other without fear of consequences.
Swimming in Lake St Clair & Windermere Lake.
Being affected by other people’s negative attitudes.
A second rain jacket, you don’t need it, once wet just put it back on.
Some of my spare clothes and not bringing so much Scroggin.
Resilience we have gotten from this hike. Accidently walking 14 kilometres without putting our packs down builds resilience. Pushing each other & encouraging each other.
That we all made it, and we completed it with minimal injuries.
Getting to the top of Cradle Mountain.
Walking in a new environment, it was cool to see the track in front of you and behind.
A sense of achievement.